
Showing all 7 results

  • Fepta-AD3E

    (0 reviews)

    Vitamins A, D3, and E are vital for optimal growth. Vitamin A supports a healthy immune system, bone health, and cell integrity. Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus levels, benefiting bone health, immune function, and cell growth. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals, and promotes a robust immune system and cardiovascular well-being.

  • Fepta-B+K+Choline

    (0 reviews)

    Vitamin deficiencies commonly occur due to the unintentional omission of a complete vitamin premix from the birds’ diet. In such cases, multiple signs may manifest, with B vitamin deficiencies generally appearing first. Fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies take longer to affect the bird since the body stores some reserves. For instance, it may take months for vitamin A deficiency to impact adult birds.

  • Fepta-E+Selenium 20

    (0 reviews)

    Vitamin E is utilized for the prevention and treatment of various conditions, including encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease), edema, muscular dystrophy, and testicular degeneration. Additionally, it is employed to enhance fertility, hatchability rates in breeders, egg production in layers, weight gain, and improve meat quality. Vitamin E’s versatility makes it a valuable supplement in promoting overall health and productivity in poultry and livestock.

  • Fepta-K3

    (0 reviews)

    Vitamin K deficiencies can be prevented and treated effectively. It plays a vital role in preventing hemorrhage and is essential for the synthesis of prothrombin, contributing significantly to clotting mechanisms. Moreover, it offers protection against coccidiosis, adding to its importance for overall health.

  • Fepta-Vita C100

    (0 reviews)

    Vitamin C plays a crucial role in ameliorating heat stress-induced problems in birds. It helps improve immunity, feed intake, weight gain, and mitigates oxidative stress. Additionally, Vitamin C aids in regulating rectal and body temperature, enhancing fertility and semen quality, promoting desirable carcass weight, and reducing mortality rates. Its beneficial effects make it an essential component for maintaining bird health and productivity under heat stress conditions.

  • Feptaligo

    (0 reviews)

    Mineral bioavailability in feed supplements is essential in all cases to improve feed conversion rates, particularly in stressful conditions. These supplements play a crucial role in ensuring that minerals are readily absorbed and utilized by the animals, maximizing their nutritional benefits and overall well-being.

  • Feptaligo plus

    (0 reviews)

    Mineral bioavailability in feed supplements is essential in all cases to improve feed conversion rates, particularly in stressful conditions. These supplements play a crucial role in ensuring that minerals are readily absorbed and utilized by the animals, maximizing their nutritional benefits and overall well-being.
