
Availability: In Stock

Feptacid p

This excellent formulation includes buffered organic acids, which function as powerful antimicrobial agents, benefiting both the feed and the bird’s gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Notably, pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella enter the GI-tract through the crop. The crop’s environment, influenced by its microbial composition and pH, plays a vital role in resisting these harmful bacteria. Higher levels of lactobacilli and a lower pH in the crop significantly reduce Salmonella’s entrance. The dietary organic acids primarily exert their antibacterial effect in the upper part of the digestive tract in chickens, ensuring optimal gut health and effective protection against pathogenic microorganisms.



Soluble Powder Supplement


  • Phosphoric acid

  • Lactic acid                                   

  • Butyric acid  


25 kg


1-2 kg/ ton feed


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